Long Lasting Hard Formula with Delicate touch (0.08g)

A slim eyebrow pencil whose ultra slim lead creates desired delicate eyebrow shapes with a long lasting effect without being messy1. A hard texture eyebrow pencil
- The hard texture with easy drawing creates natural and smooth looking eyebrows
- Beginners who have hard time adjusting the density can easily draw natural looking eyebrows with the possibility of natural consistency adjustment.
2. An auto eyebrow pencil
- The auto eyebrow pencil doesn ’t give you the hassle to sharpen for each use.
The 1.7mm slim precision pencil creates neat and delicate eyebrows.
The consistent texture creates even coloration without causing cakyness.
Long lasting effect
Creating natural looking eyebrows
How to use
STEP 01Grab the eyebrow shape you want, draw a guide, and fill it in naturally, one by one, starting from the front.
STEP 02After filling up to the tail of the eye, clean it with a screw brush to complete natural and delicate eyebrows.
If you use powder to remove oily eyebrows, • you can make your eyebrows last longer.
Selling Point
Delicate touch on each hair with 1.7mm slim pencil-> The 1.7mm slim pencil organizes the eyebrow contour naturally and fills each hair of the eyebrow texture to create delicate and detailed eyebrow makeup.
Long Lasting Hard Formula-> The hard formula creates natural and smooth coloration without causing less
-> Maintains the original shape all day long without causing smudginess or wear off -
Creating natural looking eyebrows like your own-> Create natural looking eyebrows as apply multiple times instead of one dark application.
-> Maintains natural coloration with the proper hardness by excellent temperature resistance -
Easy use-> The sharpener is included for desired thickness.
-> Creating customized eyeline with various thicknesses
-> The auto pencil enables easy makeup anywhere.
PRODUCT DETAIL- A screw type brush for delicate eyebrow expression
- Anyone can easily create natural brow makeup with a circular shaped pencil