Pro Contour Concealer
#4 Vanilla Bean #5 Golden Beige => Can be developed in various colors

#No flaws! Liquid concealer provides perfect coverage!
#Cover the skin flaws like the professional make up artist!
#Light but strong and long lasting coverage
How to use
- Before/after applying foundation or BB, apply on freckles or flaws and other areas that need coverage, dab tip concealer and blend well.
- When covering dark circles, need to use a concealer color slightly brighter or similar color to skin-tone.
- Rubbing or spreading can reduce coverage so make sure to apply with a dabbing motion.
Selling Point
1.High adhesive & long lasting concealerThinly applies and adheres to skin, light finish with no clumping highly adhesive concealer.
2.Smooth skin complextionIt doesn’t crack or clump into wrinkles, like fine lines near eyes and cheeks.
3.Can be used with the various type of foundation!Choose tone down concealer than your foundation color to contour your face shape.
Recommend for
- People who are looking for a concealer with layerable coverage.
- People who are sick of the existing concealer with less choice of color.
- People who want the light, but full-coverage product
Why you will love it!
*Can be developed various colors1 Pure White2 Salmon Pink3 Margarine4 Vanilla Bean5 Golden Beige6 Chocolate Cookie
*Can be used with the various type of foundation!
- Choose tone down concealer than your foundation color to contour your face shape.
- Blend multiple concealer colors to give contour expression and brightness to your face.