Protein Peel Essence Pad
Lab no. : BBZ-21-072-34-B

The first routine of improving skin scratch. Protein peeling essence pad that removes bad proteins and absorbs good protein into the skin, making inside and outside of skin healthy
SOFT EMULSION O/W EmulsionSoft milky essence texture
1.Smart and gentle peeling that selectively removes bad proteinsSelectively removes unnecessary proteins on the skin with PHA, a hypoallergenic peeling ingredient, and establishes healthy skin environment for active ingredients to be absorbed well
2.Densely connects skin structure loosened by scratch
- PROTEIN BLOCKING STRUCTURE: “Phyto Elastic Protein Complex’ functions as a bridge that fills skin connecting structure loosened by skin damages, and helps to recover collapsed overall balance.
- Forms smooth oil protection film on skin and maintains moist skin while blocking moisture evaporation
3.100% hypoallergenic pure cotton fabric
- 100% eco-friendly biodegradation cotton that is good for the earth and skin
- Certified vegan fabric with harmful substances(synthetic preservative, mineral oils) on skin excluded
Protein Blocking StructureImproves into dense and compact skin by reinforcing the combination power among lipids
Peel & Water Cream TechnologyThe formula technology of depositing ingredients in the fabric by stably designing the formula with the optimal ratio of highly concentrated cream like oil hydration ingredients and the moisture layers that include exfoliating ingredients
Before & After